Dop 'N' Jive!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


Positive Action at The Victoria

Last Saturday I went to check out one of my top fav London bands Trash Kit and to see how La La Vasquez was, by that I mean I couldn't make up my mind about them. Unfortunately La La Vasquez or one of them had had a bike accident or something (only in East London) so they couldn't play, I look forward to attending your next gig and examining your market selling potential and identifying your optimum demographic direction.

First band on was Trash Kit, who I had come to see, this band is normally always good and this time and yup, still fuckin' ruling! The best thing is now is that I know most of the songs and could clap along and semi vocalise. I await the new album with baited breath. Word on the street is it's being released in February on the "upset the rhythm" label.

Second on was a band called "bitches", now space rat from black mamba beat told me about this band and said they were great and they didn't disappoint either especially as a two piece can sometimes be really contrived and boring. These cats got a bass running through some pedals giving you loads of noise and shouty trading vocals so simple but all good.

Last on was a band called "Vile Vile Creatures", I only got to see two songs cause I started the drinking early and was beginning to flag, so only saw 2 songs but again what I heard was cool and I would have defiantly stuck around for more if I wasn't so lame.

The evening was centered around raising money for a local charity "U-Turn" which works with hard to reach women who are homeless/rough sleepers and coerced into prostitution. This made the evening a bit more worthwhile than just a typical London gig and between bands a speaker from the charity spoke and there was also two poets who read some prose. Although I didn't understand what some of the poets were talking about it was still a breath of fresh air. Compared to countless blogspot, facebook, myspace events giving you the best in "DIY talent" sponsored by "LA shades", pizza, "bro" beer and "80's neon" clothing*. This was a D.I.Y. event in it's purest form, not many boatshoes here, draw a conclusion on that as you will but my conclusion is big up to Positive Action and let's see more of this M(ilk).

*any significance to a real company is purely coincidental

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