Dop 'N' Jive!

Thursday, 29 July 2010

A few weeks of the Shabeen Scene life:

Escapade 1:

Involving the liege of D.I. and DIE culture namely HRH Bryony (although being Welsh, she might not take to the royal title). Bryony invited us to play one of the best things going in London at the moment, namely a BIG TAKE OVER show. This BTO was going to be held at The Hayward Gallery and sounded like a lot of fun, another weird gig to store in the memory banks. Unfortunately certain punk patrons of the “collective zine forum” thought otherwise, according to them it was 'un-punk and very bourgeois' to have even thought of playing an art gallery. Never the less liege Bryony pushed these critiques aside and we arrived on Saturday afternoon to set up and play...

It is always amazing how before a gig like Big Take Over you wait in the strangest of places, at strange times, wondering if anyone will turn up ?????
But then to the left you see some flannel, to the right a mohawk and in the distance the faint glint of a can of Strong Bow. If Bryony books it the punks will come and the freaks and weirdo’s will all come. Within an hour the upstairs balcony where we played was packed and so was the downstairs 'non-VIP area'. All clichés sprang to mind The Beatles on top of Apple's offices, Strummer on the Thames. Basically it was a fucking awesome gig and I had to kick myself while I was playing, looking out at people in front of me, below me as well as London buses and tour buses going past. Wherever possible I would lift my guitar and give them a face melting lead, until Rosie pointed out I was acting like Brian May! ……..OOOOOH ….. On that note we finished and made way for some noise dudes (Haxan Cloak) which was rad and freaked the fuck out of some the usual cream scone brigade that frequent Southbank for an afternoon of sun and culture with their horror-movie-soundtrack/soundscapes. And then, after them, were the awesome Love Triangle, consisting of newly graduated nurse and Shitty Limits spitter, Louis and drummer, Tim with their Aussie buddy/Depp look-a-like? bass player, Josh. What can you write about a band with hooks this tight, just get out there and see them live, straight-up foot tapping, fast rhythm'n'blues, power-pop punk rock and cool party lyrics, forget your job and drink some beer!


pix taken from Bryony's FB

Many thanks again to D.I. and DIE liege Bryony!!

P.S: Andy is Disgusting is a dick for wearing boat shoes

Escapade 2:

This involved going to see Human Hair in trendy dickhead breeding Old Street around midnight at El Paso/South of the Border the following Saturday. What a sight to behold sitting on a step on the street in Old Street watching the dickheads, clowns and Essex lads out on the pull go past. If you bored and fancy a cheap night out part take in this, you will not be disappointed. Due to the afore mentioned captivating event we only really came to see Human Hair but caught the last part of Bitches set, which was mainly centred on comedy hour (singer talking crap, telling personal jokes that was only funny to a select few or maybe he was just drunk and taking the piss too?), good thing Space Rat yelled out 'play a fucking song!', to voice our opinion on the comedy hour. Once the comedians left stage Human Hair proceeded to fuck shit up!!!!! It did take a while for them to set-up and work out a few bugs but once in full flight it was an awesome spectacle. Tight drums in the back, a noisy fucked guitar to one side, Henry's effects/keyboard/samples-krautrock-Pavement slop to the other and Jack summoning fire and brimstone, well as much fire and brimstone he could summon in those small denim panties short things …. anyway that didn’t matter cause as a unit they were rocking. It was so hot down there and everyone was sweating it up but no one left not until the Human Hair sermon was over. My personal fav was the 2nd to last song which I believe will be out on Sex Is Disgusting Records soon and is called “Holiday” or “Vacation”, something like that. It had a real cool memorable 'shout-at-your-manager' chorus and rockin' Piña Colada rhythms. Good show lads, Shabeen Scene applauds you.

stolen from someone else's fb

P.S: Andy is Disgusting sux for wearing boat shoes again

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